Pond Filters and UVCs
Help to create and maintain a healthy balance in your pond by installing a filter and UVC.
A pond is a complete, miniature eco-system. Problems occur if any of its components get out of balance, for example pollution by fish waste, lack of movement or algae can all cause problems. Pond filters and UVCs help to create and maintain a healthy balance.
These modern filtration systems use a natural, chemical free process to create a healthy balance in the pond so that the fish and wildlife can enjoy a clean habitat, plants thrive and the whole feature is pleasant to look at.
Filter systems work by removing waste from the water. To get the most from your system it should be run 24 hrs a day and be connected to a pump of the right size for your pond.
There are a number of filtration options:
These are often used in combination together and with an ultra violet light which destroys the cells of free floating algae. When purchasing a filter you need
Whats available?
Our team will happily give you all the advice you need when you come in to visit. If you wish to see the range of filters we stock prior to your visit, please visit the websites of our stockists.
How it works
A pump and biological filter system works in four simple stages
Stage 1 - The pump sucks in water and polluting solids and pumps them into the filter
Stage 2 - The filter removes dirt and harmful pollutants via a mechanical and biological process
Stage 3 - The Ultra Violet Clarifier, either situated inside or alongside the biological filter, clumps the green water ‘algae’ together so they can be removed by the filter
Stage 4 - Filtered water is pumped back into the pond via a waterfall or feature that re-oxygenates it.
Woodlands Nurseries
Crooklands, Milnthorpe, Cumbria, LA7 7NJ
Telephone: 015395 67273
Email: sales@woodlandsgardencentre.com
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