Autumn - The coming of autumn indicates that the growing season is coming to an end but it’s still a time full of colourful delights with bright berries, seed-heads, flaming foliage, chrysanthemums and asters.
Which month is...
- Early Autumn - September
- Mid Autumn - October
- Late Autumn - November
Plants at thier best
Early Autumn
- Anemone x hybrida (herbaceous)
- Aster novae-angliae (herbaceous)
- Aster novi-belgii (herbaceous)
- Chrysanthemum, early flowering garden type (herbaceous)
- Dahlia
- Hibiscus syriacus (shrub)
- Hydrangea (shrub)
- Lavatera (shrub)
- Nerine bowdenii (bulb)
- Pyracantha, berries (shrub)
- Rudbeckia (herbaceous)
- Sedum spectabile (herbaceous)
- Solidago (herbaceous)
- Sorbus, berries (tree)
- Sternbergia lutea (bulb)
Mid Autumn
- Acer, colourful foliage (tree/shrub)
- Anemone x Hybrida (herbaceous)
- Aster novi-belgii (herbaceous)
- Berberis, colourful foliage and berries (shrub)
- Fothergilla, colourful foliage (shrub)
- Liriope muscari (herbaceous)
- Parthenocissus, colourful foliage (climber)
- Pernettya, berries (shrub)
- Pyracantha, berries (shrub)
- Schizostylis coccinea (herbaceous)
Late Autumn
- Acer, colourful foliage (tree/shrub)
- Berberis, colourful foliage and berries (shrub)
- Cotoneaster, berries (shrub)
- Fothergilla, colourful foliage (shrub)
- Gentiana sino-ornata (alpine)
- Liriope muscari (herbaceous)
- Pernettya, berries (shrub)
- Pyracantha, berries (shrub)
- Schizostylis coccinea (herbaceous)